Year: 2013
Role: Art Director, Visual Designer
Categories: UI Design,
Art Direction, Motion Graphics
Year: 2013
Role: Art Director, Visual Designer
Categories: UI Design,
Art Direction, Motion Graphics
Brief ︎ 1 week hackathon to come up with a feasible business idea.
Music often conveys the type of mood one is feeling. What better way to connect than through music? In a team of 4 we came up with an idea for an app, Audiowl. When Instagram was just blooming, everyone was sharing photos to connect with each other and we felt something was missing. The photos were merely static with no music or audio. This app allows users to share and connect through music they are currently listening to, expressing however they are feeling or perheps just to share the music they’re into.
(Shortly after presenting, Spotify announced their new updates for sharing music ︎)